Kingsbridge Teacher Training,
Rivington Ave,
Platt Bridge,

01942 487999 Option 6

Kingsbridge SCITT

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  3. Kingsbridge SCITT News | Thank You to colleagues across our Partnership

Kingsbridge SCITT News | Thank You to colleagues across our Partnership

7 January 2021 (by admin)

We hope this week has gone well for you all in these unprecedented times and would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the support and direction you have provided for our trainee teachers so far this term.

Dear Colleagues across our Partnership


Thank you for continuing to support Kingsbridge Teacher Training trainees, despite the challenging times the expectation is that trainee teachers will continue to complete their placements and gain QTS, with the ongoing support of our school partners.

DfE guidance states that students on ITT programmes are considered essential workers and that during the lock down period if a trainee is on placement at a school the expectation is that unless there are additional concerns re attendance at placement which will be considered elsewhere, that you manage the trainee as you would a member of teaching staff. Trainees can be present in person in schools where possible teaching key worker and vulnerable children, can prepare and deliver lessons on line to those pupils at home and can also prepare physical resources, all of which will contribute to the summative assessment against the Teachers’ Standards.

Kingsbridge will continue to support its mentors in schools during these times and will be offering webinars where we can share experiences and ask any questions that you may have regarding the placement, but we are also available to support you and your team if you have any specific queries.

Thank you once again for your ongoing support.